Welcome to Cat of the Week! This week we are joined by two adorable gray fluffs named after two delicious snacks, Small Fry and Poutine! These so-called taters live with their mama, Hannah, and Mochi, the albino hedgehog. They were rescued by the Kitten Lady (who you should definitely check out if you don't know her, the work she does with rescuing kittens is unbelievable and magical). You can follow their adventures on Instagram @smallfryandpoutine.
Below, enjoy some amazing pictures, complete with captions!
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Just cuddling, part one.
Just cuddling, part two.
Small Fry and Poutine find Mochi very confusing.
Poutine waiting to play fetch.
Being cute.
Poutine trying catnip for the first time.
Being cute some more.
Just cuddling, part three.
Sometimes Small Fry gets tired of us taking pictures.
Other times, she sits in between our shower curtains and jumps out at us when we're peeing.
Derping around
Thanks for stopping by, Poutine and Small Fry!