Welcome to cat of the week! This week, we are joined by the one-toothed wonder cat, Duffalo, or Duffy for short. Duffy lives with his sister Fergie and is quite the model. You can see all of their amazing costumes and tongues-out-Tuesdays on Instagram @squishdelish. Here's what Duffy's human has to say: 

"We were lucky enough to adopt Duffy at 7 years old when his human died. He was very shy at first, but now insists on multiple snorgles a day! Above is the pic that made me think the internet might fall in love with him, and they did!

"He loves ciao cat treats, yodels when he doesn't get his way, and loves to be spooned. He only has one tooth left, but that doesn't stop him from scaring other kitties away from the patio. He's the most affectionate, sweet kitty I've ever met. Definitely a lover. He adores Fergie, and let's her be the boss.

(Exhibits 1-4: Fergie looking fierce)

fergie 1.jpg

"He'll pretty much let me put him in any outfit and poses for the camera, but it took him an entire year to warm up to me. I think he was very sad about his human for a very long time.

"He loves ciao cat treats, yodels when he doesn't get his way, and loves to be spooned. He only has one tooth left, but that doesn't stop him from scaring other kitties away from the patio. He's the most affectionate, sweet kitty I've ever met. Definitely a lover. He adores Fergie, and let's her be the boss.

"Think of rescuing your own special cat - it's worth it!"

And now, because Duffy's human is an evil genius and Duffy is very patient, you will find a gallery of Duffy in his costumes below:

Thanks for stopping by, Duff and Ferg!

And remember, if you want your cat BFF to be featured, email us with a blurb about your feline and some pictures at